Konferencija 17.06.2024.

Hotel Bristol, Podgorica 




Radionica u Baru 11.06.2024.

Saopštenje, CEES, radionica u Baru

Agenda Bar

Radionica na Žabljaku 07.06.2024.

Agenda Žabljak

Radionica u Bijelom Polju 28.05.2024.

Agenda Bijelo Polje

On February 20, 2024, CEES signed a contract for the implementation of the four-month project "Cooperation with CSOs for greater responsibility of municipal enterprises. The mentioned project is part of a wider project - "CSOs in Montenegro - from basic services to policy formation - M'BASE" which is implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CGO), in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the NGO Center for Protection and Study. Birds of Montenegro (CZIP) and the NGO Politikon network, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and the Office for European Integration of the Government of Montenegro. The project is financially supported by the European Commission, through the EU Delegation in Montenegro and the Ministry of Public Administration.


